
Series A, B, C: Marketing KPIs to convince a VC you're ready to raise

In the world of fundraising, your marketing game needs to be as strong as your product. Learn how to woo investors with compelling marketing KPIs at each funding stage, from A to C.

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June 6, 2024

On June 6th, The Company Advice, in partnership with InsurTechNY, hosted a webinar called "Series A, B, C: Marketing KPIs to Convince a VC You're Ready to Raise," where we learned how to make investors fall head over heels for your insurtech startup! Andrea Collins, the marketing maestro from Cowbell, shared her top-notch insights from across her impressive career.

✨The Highlights✨

  1. Series A: At this stage, it's all about getting your product-market fit right and proving you’re not just a one-hit wonder. Investors need to see you’ve got potential, not just a cool logo.
  2. Series B: In this investor climate, it's at this point (earlier than ever in the startup journey) that demonstrating your ability to scale is key. It’s time to show you can grow up, scale your operations and expand your customer base while maintaining your charm.
  3. Series C: This is where you need to be profitable and mature, like a fine wine. Investors want to see that you’re not only making money but also ready to sustain and grow long-term.
  4. Marketing Magic: Marketing isn’t just fluff—it’s the secret sauce that makes your startup irresistible. Demonstrate your marketing chops at each stage. Early days focus on helping the product shine and showing attribution to specific channels.
  5. B2B vs. B2C: B2C needs broad reach and brand recognition; B2B is all about targeted, relationship-driven strategies. Tailor your KPIs to reflect these unique needs.
  6. Channel Strategies: Start with low-cost, high-impact channels like email, PR, content marketing, and SEO. As you grow, add more sophisticated tools like SEM, affiliate channels, and lifecycle marketing. Don't forget to benchmark along the way.
  7. The Key KPIs:
    • Series A: Focus on Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and conversion rates.
    • Series B: Add Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), brand awareness, and segmented NPS.
    • Series C: Be ready to defend and contextualize every stat and dollar like a pro.
  8. CAC and CLV: Keep CAC calculations simple early on, and let them evolve as your analytics mature. Ensure your payback period aligns with your customer retention projections.

In summary, we learned how to woo investors with compelling marketing KPIs at each funding stage, navigating the unique challenges of B2B and B2C models, and the importance of clear, concise data.

Remember, in the world of fundraising, your marketing game needs to be as strong as your product. Keep those metrics tight and your pitch even tighter!

If you're interested in the full webinar recording, or want to chat strategy, Contact Us Here.

In the world of fundraising, your marketing game needs to be as strong as your product. Learn how to woo investors with compelling marketing KPIs at each funding stage, from A to C.